

To make a payment to Flanders Law Offices via PayPal for services already rendered, please click on this button:

To make a payment to Flanders Law Offices via PayPal for services to be rendered in the future , please click on this button:

Please note: I strongly prefer to be paid via checks or cash. I must pay a 2.9% fee in order for me to offer you the option of paying via PayPal. If you use PayPal, I will add this 2.9% charge to your bill.

Common Good

Make a payment to Flanders Law Offices through the Common Good system for either legal services already provided or as a retainer for legal services to be provided in the future:

1. Log into your account with Common Good at:

2. Click on the "Pay" link at the top of the page.

3. Enter "Flanders Law Offices" in the "Pay Whom" box.

4. Enter the amount into the "Amount" box.

5. Enter either "Legal Services" or "Retainer for Future Legal Services" (as appropriate) into the "For" box.

6. Click on the "Pay" button located under the 3 boxes.

7. Click on the "Yes" button in the drop-down dialogue box.